What is AKCSE?
Learn more about AKCSE and ACKSE McGill
Young Generation
Young Professionals
Local Chapter
What is AKCSE?
The Association of Korean-Canadian Scientists and Engineers (AKCSE) is a non-profit organization established in 1986. It serves mainly as a grounds for networking between Korean-Canadians in the field to develop their full career potential. AKCSE consists of 17 university school chapters and 12 local chapters across the provinces of Canada, with its headquarters based in Ontario. The chapters are divided based on different stages in one's career, notably the undergraduate Young Generation (YG), the Young Professionals (YP), and the local chapter. AKCSE is affiliated with The Ministry of Science and ICT of the Korean Government, the Korean Federation of Science & Technology Societies, and many different organizations. With these partnerships formed with reliable science and engineering institutions in Korea, AKCSE proudly provides members with experiences in conferences and research/networking forums held annually. Additionally, students can apply for the KCSSF Scholarship, granting 12 students scholarships valued up to $3,000.
Official Website